extract DDL - output every match to separate file

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# 1  
Old 09-12-2011
extract DDL - output every match to separate file

i want to extract the 'CREATE INDEX' or 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX' statements from a ddl file and output each match to a separate file. i was looking around the net but couldnīt find anything.

a possible sed-script could be:
sed -n '/CREATE[A-Za-z ]*INDEX*/,/COMMIT/p' filename.ddl

but i couldnīt find out how to output each match to a separate file. every CREATE-statement should go to its own file, while the filename is the name of the index.

any idea? is sed the right choice for this?

thank you
# 2  
Old 09-12-2011
can you provide some sample statements?

# 3  
Old 09-12-2011
Looking for a program to extract SQL statements is like looking for a programming language to print the letter 'A'. You're probably not going to find someone who had the exact same problem as you and solved it the exact same way...

nawk or gawk would be better.
$ echo "CREATE INDEX" | gawk '/CREATE([\t ]+UNIQUE)?[\t ]+INDEX/ { print $0 > NR ".txt" ; close(NR ".txt"); }'
$ cat 1.txt

# 4  
Old 09-12-2011
-- TABLE001
    ON TABLE001
     (COLUMN1 ASC,
      COLUMN2 ASC,
      COLUMN3 ASC,
      COLUMN4 ASC);

    ON TABLE001
     (COLUMN3 ASC,
      COLUMN4 ASC);

    ON TABLE001
     (COLUMN3 ASC);

-- TABLE002
    ON TABLE002
     (COLUMN1 ASC,
      COLUMN2 ASC,);

every single create index statement should go in its separate file e.g. index ATABL001 to ATABL001.ddl, BTABL001 to BTABL001.ddl, ... i mean the whole statement to the semicolon or the commit...
# 5  
Old 09-12-2011
awk '/^--/{next}/CREATE UNIQUE INDEX|CREATE INDEX/{file=$NF}{print>file".ddl"}' input.ddl

Assuming this file has only index create statements!


Last edited by ahamed101; 09-12-2011 at 03:33 PM.. Reason: Assumption added, optimized, bad me :(, optimized again!
# 6  
Old 09-12-2011
gawk 'BEGIN { FILE=1 }
/CREATE([\t ]+UNIQUE)?[\t ]+INDEX/ { if(W) close(FILE ".txt");  FILE++; W=0 }
{ print $0 > FILE ".txt" ; W=1 }' < infile

# 7  
Old 09-12-2011
Originally Posted by ahamed101
awk '/^--/{next}/CREATE UNIQUE INDEX|CREATE INDEX/{file=$NF;print>file".ddl";next}{print>file".ddl"}' input.ddl

Assuming this file has only index create statements!


this one worked for me! great! thank you!

couldnīt try the other one because i currntly donīt have gawk installed.
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