Problem with Output of escape characters

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# 1  
Old 09-11-2011
Data Problem with Output of escape characters

I'm trying to figure out a problem. I echo a colored block character with this code:

echo -e '\E[0;46m \E[219m\c'

It works. But the challenge is echoing two different blocks with two different colors. I tried everything. Heres what i tried:

echo -e '\E[0;46m \E[219m\c \E[0;45m \E[219m\c'

Doesn't work. It only echoes the first block. Please help me. Smilie
# 2  
Old 09-11-2011
This seems to work for me
echo -e '\E[0;46m \E[0;45m \E[219m\c'

# 3  
Old 09-11-2011
Wow. That worked. But why? Why do you have to send the color escape sequences first, then the block character?
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