perl: array matching

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# 1  
Old 09-09-2011
perl: array matching


I have two files like this

HTML Code:
file 1:

HTML Code:
file 2:

I want to 1) match each element of file2 to each element of file1.
2) delete all the matched alphabets and subsequent letters in the element of file1.

so the output should be
HTML Code:
I tried with regular expressions but couldnt figure out how to match elements of one array with another array.

If possible please provide the code in perl because I just started learning perl.

thanks in advanceSmilie
# 2  
Old 09-09-2011
open A, "$ARGV[1]";
open B, "$ARGV[0]";
local $/;
for $x (@x){

Run it like this: ./ file1 file2
This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 09-09-2011
Originally Posted by bartus11
open A, "$ARGV[1]";
open B, "$ARGV[0]";
local $/;
for $x (@x){

Hi Bartus11,

thanks a lot. its working perfectly. But I have couple of questions to understand the code clearly.

1. what was the purpose pf 'local $/' on line 5?
2. In the code $_ = <B> , is each line of the file read individually and assigned to $_? I tried to assign the <B> to an array too just like A, but this part i was missing.

thanks again.Smilie

Last edited by pludi; 09-09-2011 at 04:32 PM..
# 4  
Old 09-09-2011
Originally Posted by polsum
1. what was the purpose pf 'local $/' on line 5?
It is input record separator variable. Unsetting it is causing the whole file to be loaded into $_ in the next line of code.
Originally Posted by polsum
2. In the code $_ = <B> , is each line of the file read individually and assigned to $_? I tried to assign the <B> to an array too just like A, but this part i was missing.
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