Copy or Move problem

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Copy or Move problem
# 1  
Old 09-09-2011
Question Copy or Move problem

Hi All,
I have a simple shell script to move .txt file(s) from a source directory one after another to the destination. The source directory is shared to windows using samba. The source files are arriving continuously and approx size is 10-15 KB. Some time the file size reached upto 100 KB and than the problem starts. The moving script is moving an incomplete file. Actually the file moving program is a continuous daemon which starts moving file immediately it appeared in the source. I have tried a sleep 2 before moving, but it's also failed in case the file is some more bigger than 100 KB. Smilie
Now I wanted to know is there any mechanism available to check if the source file is not in use by any other process? It means, I need to move or copy the file only when its being released by its producer process. It might be easier in Unix using ps command, but I don't know how to check it on a samba shared folder.
Can any body among you please give me a hand please?
# 2  
Old 09-09-2011
Use the fuser command to check the status.

fuser file

If the file is busy, you get some output(processes using the file). else back to command prompt.

# 3  
Old 09-09-2011
Hi guruprasadpr,

I have opened the 119703559.HL7 in another terminal and tried the one you have suggested in another terminal, but its not giving me any info.

12 [shivalpl1] dbadm % /usr/sbin/fuser 119703559.HL7

I have tried the same after exiting from vi mode, but both time the out put is same.

13 [shivalpl1] dbadm % !!
/usr/sbin/fuser 119703559.HL7
14 [shivalpl1] dbadm %

# 4  
Old 09-09-2011
Originally Posted by sraj142
The moving script is moving an incomplete file. Actually the file moving program is a continuous daemon which starts moving file immediately it appeared in the source

The way your script/Application is working is not recommended. In such cases, an another directory ( say "incomplete" )must be created which would be used to transfer the file from the first application and after the transfer is finished, the application itself should move the file to the "complete". your script must pick the file from the "complete" directory.
# 5  
Old 09-09-2011
Hi Anchal,

I have already tried the same. Still the incomplete file moving while the external application is moving the file to the source of my shell script. I think to check if the file is being used by any other process is the best option to choose. But unsure how to user "fuser" command here.
# 6  
Old 09-09-2011
vi does not keep the file open - you actually work on a hidden file. Use something like less to simulate an open file.
This User Gave Thanks to cero For This Post:
# 7  
Old 09-09-2011
WAH !!!!

Great Cero. Its worked for me. But couldn't store the pid in a valiable. Actually I wanted to check the length of the pid and if its more than 1 than sleep 5 or continue. I am using bash script here.
Please see if you can post a 2-3 line of examples here.

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