selecting and deleting specific lines with condition

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting selecting and deleting specific lines with condition
# 8  
Old 09-12-2011
Using Perl -

$ cat f8
atom# res@atom atom# res@atom atom# res@atom %occupied distance angle
| 4726 59@O12 | 1487 19@H12 1486 19@O12 | 85.66 2.819 ( 0.18) 21.85 (12.11)
| 1499 19@O15 | 1730 24@H12 1729 24@O12 | 83.15 3.190 ( 0.31) 22.36 (12.73)
| 1216 16@O22 | 1460 17@H22 1459 17@O22 | 75.74 2.757 ( 0.14) 24.55 (13.66)
| 4232 53@O25 | 4143 52@H24 4142 52@O24 | 74.35 2.916 ( 0.25) 28.27 (13.26)
| 3683 46@O16 | 4163 52@H13 4162 52@O13 | 73.78 2.963 ( 0.29) 23.65 (14.14)
| 4162 52@O13 | 4079 51@H12 4078 51@O12 | 73.68 2.841 ( 0.19) 21.25 (11.87)
| 3764 47@O16 | 3825 48@H26 3824 48@O26 | 70.52 2.973 ( 0.28) 26.88 (13.14)
| 193 3@O13 | 353 5@H12 352 5@O12 | 67.49 2.780 ( 0.17) 17.85 (10.90)
| 3035 38@O16 | 3350 42@H12 3349 42@O12 | 67.19 2.790 ( 0.16) 18.72 (10.47)
| 686 9@O16 | 893 12@H22 892 12@O22 | 66.87 2.905 ( 0.22) 26.53 (10.90)
| 1478 19@O25 | 1703 22@H22 1702 22@O22 | 64.37 2.864 ( 0.21) 31.87 (14.12)
| 3521 44@O16 | 747 10@H26 746 10@O26 | 63.71 2.941 ( 0.27) 26.82 (13.51)
| 1313 17@O26 | 1217 16@H22 1216 16@O22 | 63.09 2.807 ( 0.16) 22.23 (11.92)
| 4159 52@O12 | 3684 46@H16 3683 46@O16 | 62.43 2.900 ( 0.22) 35.69 (12.23)
| 4331 54@O16 | 1490 19@H13 1489 19@O13 | 61.80 2.989 ( 0.29) 26.58 (14.32)
| 3440 43@O16 | 3906 49@H26 3905 49@O26 | 60.17 2.964 ( 0.28) 28.61 (13.24)
| 1334 17@O16 | 1247 16@H13 1246 16@O13 | 59.31 2.828 ( 0.18) 25.35 (12.61)
| 1729 22@O12 | 1557 20@H26 1556 20@O26 | 58.11 3.036 ( 0.27) 32.81 (11.84)
| 4151 52@O25 | 4484 56@H12 4483 56@O12 | 57.67 2.917 ( 0.32) 27.71 (15.02)
| 1502 19@O11 | 1730 22@H12 1729 22@O12 | 57.53 3.184 ( 0.26) 41.62 (13.24)
| 3014 38@O26 | 3353 42@H13 3352 42@O13 | 57.42 2.884 ( 0.24) 22.59 (12.87)
| 3524 44@O15 | 3917 49@H12 3916 49@O12 | 57.35 3.227 ( 0.35) 25.52 (13.61)
| 2390 30@O15 | 2756 35@H22 2755 35@O22 | 57.28 3.074 ( 0.33) 31.27 (14.44)
| 1739 22@O16 | 5115 64@H24 5114 64@O24 | 56.78 2.876 ( 0.28) 20.94 (13.42)
| 4574 57@O16 | 5061 63@H16 5060 63@O16 | 56.57 2.956 ( 0.25) 30.52 (14.00)
| 2846 36@O24 | 3566 45@H22 3565 45@O22 | 55.92 2.880 ( 0.24) 22.85 (12.39)
| 605 8@O16 | 839 11@H12 838 11@O12 | 55.67 2.894 ( 0.24) 25.45 (13.25)
$ perl -lne 'BEGIN {@x=grep {$_%8 == 0 or $_%8 == 1 or $_ < 8} (1..64)}
             print if /^\|.*?(\d+)\@.*?(\d+)\@.*/ and grep /$1/, @x and grep /$2/, @x
            ' f8
| 1216 16@O22 | 1460 17@H22 1459 17@O22 | 75.74 2.757 ( 0.14) 24.55 (13.66)
| 193 3@O13 | 353 5@H12 352 5@O12 | 67.49 2.780 ( 0.17) 17.85 (10.90)
| 1313 17@O26 | 1217 16@H22 1216 16@O22 | 63.09 2.807 ( 0.16) 22.23 (11.92)
| 1334 17@O16 | 1247 16@H13 1246 16@O13 | 59.31 2.828 ( 0.18) 25.35 (12.61)

This User Gave Thanks to durden_tyler For This Post:
# 9  
Old 09-12-2011
You can use sort and comm to find lines in one file's set or another or both, dividing your set.
This User Gave Thanks to DGPickett For This Post:
# 10  
Old 09-13-2011
Now if I want to delete those selected lines, what command should I should use?
Simply negate the tests so you will print the data line if it is not a part
of the "set" array, and print all lines that don't start with "|" as below,
assuming you want to see all the headers and other non data information.

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
   i=0                   # <--- Not needed anymore. Delete
   for (n=1; n<=8; n++) set[n] = n;
   for (n=9; n<=49; n+=8) {
     set[n] = n 
     set[n+7] = n+7 
   for (n=57; n<=64; n++) set[n] = n;
 ($1 == "|") {
     split($3, res1, "@"); split($6, res2, "@");
     if ( ! (res1[1] in set) && ! (res2[1] in set) ) #<--- negate tests
  ($1 != "|") { print; }            # <--- prints headers and other lines

Last edited by rwuerth; 09-14-2011 at 11:50 AM.. Reason: marked i=0 as not needed.
This User Gave Thanks to rwuerth For This Post:
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