Script to find the string contain in which file 1000 files.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Script to find the string contain in which file 1000 files.
# 8  
Old 09-09-2011
thnx you all for your kind help
my issue is that string will contain in more then one time

i managed some below
echo " Enter the DIR Path"
read dir
echo "File types"
read file
ls $dir | grep $file > flist
echo "enter the string"
read string
for line in `cat flist`
#a=" grep -c "1024" $line "
a=`grep -c "$string" $dir/$line`
if [ $a != 0 ]
#echo $a
echo "$line "

kindly check this and let me know i want to make this more stable because
my txt file contain more then 500 lines (xml lines)
# 9  
Old 09-09-2011
as DGPicket said: Use "grep -l"
find . -name \*.txt | xargs grep -l "string"

# 10  
Old 09-12-2011
You do not want to call grep for every file, but sometimes there are too many files for "*.txt" to be either robust or low latency, so divide the find from the grep using xargs or parallel.

Use "grep -l" since you just want to list any presence not a -c count:
find your_dir -name '*.txt' | xargs grep -l 'your_string'

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