I don't see any issue with your code.
Execute the code with -x option like this and see. It will help to identify the issue.
And are you sure the "echo" is in place? Cause it is treating as if the code is missing "echo" and treating "File test.xml FOUND" as a command which it cannot(obviously) find.
Thanks for the replies, the script is some how not working as expected in our environment. is there any other way I can check if file exists if yes the it's size should be greater than 0 bytes. Based on this I should get a return code this return code I will use in the remaining shell script.
I'm new to utilities like socat and netcat and I'm not clear if they will do what I need.
I have a "compileDeployStartWebServer.sh" script and a "StartBrowser.sh" script that are started by emacs/elisp at the same time in two different processes.
I'm using Cygwin bash on Windows 10.
My... (3 Replies)
Hello all,
I am facing a weird issue while executing a code below -
cd /wload/baot/home/baotasa0/sandboxes_finance/ext_ukba_bde/pset
sh UKBA_publish.sh UKBA 28082015 3
echo "Param file conversion for all the areas are completed, please check in your home directory"... (2 Replies)
I am trying to call a script(callingscript.sh) from a master script(masterscript.sh) to get string type value from calling script to master script. I have used scripts mentioned below.
echo $fileExist
echo "The script is called"... (2 Replies)
I am using blow script :--
FIND=$(ps -elf | grep "snmp_trap.sh" | grep -v grep) #check snmp_trap.sh is running or not
# echo "process found"
exit 0;
echo "process not found"
exec /home/Ketan_r /snmp_trap.sh 2>&1 & disown -h ... (1 Reply)
Hi guys
I have a shell script that executes sql statemets and sends the output to a file.the script takes in parameters executes sql and sends the result to an output file.
echo " $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7
isql -w400 -U$2 -S$5 -P$3 << xxx
use $4
print"**Changes to the table... (0 Replies)