Arrays in perl

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# 8  
Old 09-01-2011

The main purposeof my script is i have a screen shot all the directory permission recursively from last month....

one admin screqwd the whole prod by giving chmod 775 * on the root dir with root ID... now everything got changed i am trying to find the changes... need to report to my maanger so that we can restore back using these changes...

While splitting the log into the array i was using

@array = split ' ',$_;

i can use join to combine the file name so that i can have the whole file name in one var.

But there are some places where they are more than 1 space in the file name and they are chopped off and could find when i am trying to find the same file currently ....

is there any other way to get the string into the array with out lossing the space..
# 9  
Old 09-01-2011
Why not split on newlines instead of spaces?
# 10  
Old 09-01-2011
Originally Posted by firestar
...But there are some places where they are more than 1 space in the file name and they are chopped off and could find when i am trying to find the same file currently ....
is there any other way to get the string into the array with out lossing the space..
$ cat logfile
-rwxrwxr-x 1 synchadm glbiom 14884864 May 31 2007 d_labs.sas7bdat
-rw-r--r-- 1 xli glprg 223729 Apr 21 2009 10-17-03 Fortamet MHRA 19534-0005-6 REQUESTS OF .pdf
drwxr-xr-x 2 xli glprg 1024 Apr 21 2009 7-21-04 Fortamet MHRA 19534-0005-6CMC Response
$ perl -lne '@x = m/^(.*? [a-zA-Z]{3} \d\d \d{4} )([ 0-9-]*)(.*?)$/; print "FILE = \"$x[2]\""' logfile
FILE = "d_labs.sas7bdat"
FILE = "Fortamet MHRA 19534-0005-6 REQUESTS OF .pdf"
FILE = "Fortamet MHRA 19534-0005-6CMC Response"

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