Duplicates in an XML file

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# 1  
Old 08-31-2011
Duplicates in an XML file

Hi All,

I have an xml file that contains information like this


I want to remove duplicate entries, the problem is I cannot sort, as due to comment stracture for some entries, they form a new line.

I tried the following code
(called as awk -f script file)
/^end:/ {   if (! (Record in Records)) {      
print RecordLabel ":";      
print Record;      
print $0;        
Record = "";   
next;}$1 ~ /^.*:/ {   sub(/:.*/, "", $1);   
RecordLabel = $1;   
next;}{   Record = (Record ? Record "\n" : "") $0;}

provided by Aigles in another post, which for some reason does not work (modified to my input), it does not change anything. I tried to variate it unsuccsfully so far.

any ideas would be much appreciated

many thanks

Last edited by TasosARISFC; 09-08-2011 at 05:34 AM..
# 2  
Old 08-31-2011
The usual way to do this is to use a modified form of Muenchian grouping in a XSLT 1.0 stylesheet.
# 3  
Old 08-31-2011
Hi, sadly I have no XSLT processor nor can I install one as my machine is restricted

---------- Post updated at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:53 PM ----------

Is there a way to check whats between <ID></ID> and check if that exists somewhere else in the file. if it does...delete it? Also how can I bypass "/" in awk? for example I cannot do this:


I want to search for </ID>
# 4  
Old 08-31-2011
Escape it with \, like \/

Unfortunately processing XML isn't trivial. Without a proper recursive parser for it you end up building one yourself, brute-force, character by character, because the record-based language constructs of awk don't help you. That's why tools like XSLT processors exist..

working on something.

---------- Post updated at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:06 AM ----------

Here's a semi-ugly GNU awk solution. It works by breaking apart records on < and fields on >. Meaning, the first token is always a complete tag and the second, if any, is text -- <stuff param=1>text would get split into "stuff param=1", "text". I've tried to make it tolerate improperly nested tags, uppercase vs lowercase, etc, but can't possibly make it perfect.

$ cat xml.awk
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f

function inside(STR, OFF, N)
        for(N=(D-(1+OFF)); N>=0; N--)
        if(TAG[N] == tolower(STR))      return(1);


BEGIN {         RS="<"  ;       FS=">"  ;       LAST="C"        }

        # closing tag
        if($0 ~ /^[/]/)
                # Try to deal gracefully with improperly nested tags
                while(tolower(substr($1, 2, length($1)-1)) != TAG[D])
                        if(D > 0)       D--;
                        else    {       D=TMP;  break;          }

                if(!inside("ID", 0))    printf("<%s>\n", $1);
        else if($1)     # open tag
                if(!inside("ID", 0))
                        if(LAST == "O") { printf("\n"); }

                        printf("<%s>", $1);

                if(! ($1 ~ /[/]$/))     # ignore self-closing tags
                        split($1, a, "[ \r\n\t]");

                if(!inside("ID", 1))
                if(NF > 1)      printf("%s", $2);
$ ./xml.awk < data.xml

Last edited by Corona688; 08-31-2011 at 02:33 PM.. Reason: [edit] improved version with fewer extra newlines
# 5  
Old 09-08-2011
Hi Corona, thank you for your effort. As in your example what this did was to create a list of <ID> 0000000</ID> removing all other tags, but still with duplicates.

I thought of sorting and use uniq to get the duplicate IDs from this list, then delete them from the original file (not the list). However this does not resolve the problem that some elements have comments that extent to new lines and those lines do not get removed



will only delete the first line

So again I am looking for a way to look for xml tags <ID></ID> and if whats between them already exists in the file delete it.

---------- Post updated at 10:11 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:29 AM ----------

I can see this is rather complicated... an other way I could do this is by providing the list of duplicate ID's, search the file for them and delete them. I already know the duplicate IDs from a sys out, so I can place them in a text file as a list.However I have two issues

First, how do I delete all but one?
and second how do I define where to start deleting and where to stop?
# 6  
Old 09-12-2011
You could replace all newlines with spaces, then insert newlines only where you want them:

$ tr '\n' ' ' < data  | sed 's#</ID>#</ID>\n#g'

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