How can I add a newline In a text file using Shell Script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How can I add a newline In a text file using Shell Script
# 1  
Old 08-29-2011
How can I add a newline In a text file using Shell Script

Good day ...

Well i do have this project in school, in our Principles Of Operating System Class
We are using Cygwin....

And our project goes like this...

Create a dictionary using cygwin. Display the following menu at the start of execution

1-add a word in the dictionary # specify the meaning
2-search a word # if word exists, show the meaning of the word
2-delete a word
4-delete all words in the dictionary

#NOTE: The program should ask the user if he wishes to continue or not.

And here is my Code....

while [ $ans = yes ]


echo 1-Add a word in the dictionary
echo 2-Search a word in the dictionary
echo 3-Delete a word in the dictionary
echo 4-Delete all words in the dictionary
echo -n "Choose which to execute: "
read ENTRY

case $ENTRY in


echo -n "Enter a word: "
read word
echo $word " " | cat >> word.txt
echo -n "Enter the meaning: "
read meaning
echo $meaning | cat >> word.txt




echo -n "Enter the word to search: "
read word

grep -q "$word" "word.txt"
if [ $? -eq $SUCCESS ]
awk "/$word/" word.txt
echo Word not found!



#I still don't know what code to delete a word from the textfile
#If you can supply a good code to delete a word, that would be a big help Smilie



echo | cat > word.txt | echo Successfully Deleted!


echo -n "Do you want to continue?yes or no: "
read ans


In the case 1 , I wanted that everytime I save a word & meaning to a notepad it would appear like this in the notepad


Clandestine means Secret
Loquacious means Talkative

but in my code, it appears like this in the notepad


Clandestine means Secret Loquacious means Talkative

Does anyone know what is the code for my desired output in the notepad in case 1?

Can anybody help me with my code , especially in case 1 and case 3?

Your immediate response regarding this matter is so much appreciated Smilie

Thank you so much in advance ^_^ God bless ....

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Removed poll. Please refrain from adding pointless polls like "do you understand my question?" The replies you receive will generally determine that. Like the one you got here...
# 2  
Old 08-30-2011

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