awk -F"-a" '{print $4}'

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# 1  
Old 08-28-2011
awk -F"-a" '{print $4}'

Hi ,
From below line i want output as g xsdddd:8181:

dsfad -s ghkl -a -g xsdddd:8181 -e UAT -s xsdddd

ps -ef | grep svc | grep siebel80 | grep siebsrvr | awk -F"-a" '{print $4}'

but am getting g xsdddd:8181 i.e. additional space after 8181
Please help me out
thanks in advance.

Last edited by radoulov; 08-28-2011 at 05:53 PM.. Reason: Code tags!
# 2  
Old 08-28-2011
Are you sure you are using -F"-a" and not -F"-"? If it is as your post shows, then there is no 4th field (or the output from ps is different than you've posted) and I would expect nothing to be printed.

If you are using -F"-", then the contents of the field are all characters between the dashes, which includes white space, so the trailing space, just before the next dash, would be included when printing $4.

You can always trim trailing spaces like this:

{gsub( " *$", "", $4 ); print $4}

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