9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Solaris
Hi Team,
I want to use "Courier New" fonts while sending emails using mailx command from solaris command prompt.
Because my SQL output is not printing in correct format in the email.
Please assist. Let me know for any details.
Thanks, (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Mukharam Khan
1 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have script which send a mail with top output. The script look like
$ cat health.sh
maillist="email address"
rm /home/rtq1/file
top -n 1 | head 15 > file
cat file | mailx -s "Daily Health Report from `hostname` ..." "${maillist}"
But now i am getting some junk characters along... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Renjesh
1 Replies
3. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Hi Gurus,
I have been searching for this around, but sendmail seems complicated and not sure if "mail" command would do, since all what I need to send internal emails from my solaris 10 box to our exchange server. Would the mailx or mail command do ?
I tried the :
# mailx -s test... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: aladdin
2 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am looking for a script that I can use with mailx to do the following:
1. Grab usernames from a flat file (one at a time)
2. Attach a file to the email and mail out.
Cubefeed (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: CubeFeed
3 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
Can anyone please provide the command for sending an mail with attachment using mailx command.
Thanks in Advance :)
Siram. (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: Sriram.Vedula53
3 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
The following is an extract from one of my Shell Scripts which uses uuencode and mailx to send an email with multiple attachements:
uuencode $LOG_REPORT $(basename $LOG_REPORT)
uuencode $HTML_FILE $(basename $HTML_FILE )
) | if
then mailx -b "$COPY_TO" -s "$SUBJECT" -r "$MAIL_FROM"... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: suthera
2 Replies
7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I schedule some programs and mail the reports as attachments
But one of the attachment always is directed to junk email folder.Is there any way to avoid it in UNIX.
My mail server is outlook.
Sireesha (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: sireesha15
6 Replies
8. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Hi ,
I have one question, suppose i am a normal user and when i use 'w' command , it shows who is logged on and what they are doing .
Now i want to stop others users to know what i am doing accept the root ?
can i do this ?
thanks (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: mobile01
5 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
If I use the "Mail" link instead of the "mail" link to ../mailx I get this error.
Mail so-n-so @whatever.com
mailx: NUL changed to @
Unknown command: "postmaster"
The email still goes through but i get the error.
If I use "mail" it goes thru without the error.
Any ideas?? (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: BG_JrAdmin
2 Replies