Redirect system output to null in perl

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# 1  
Old 08-25-2011
Redirect system output to null in perl

Hi Guys,

Please help me.. it is urgent. I am writing a perl script to capture command output and redirect it to a logfile.At the same i want to check the return code of the command and log it if the command is not succesful in my logfile.. Here is my code, it is working but system command inside FORK is printing output to stdout, i don't want it. Instead i just want to see the exit status of the command and it's output to a file:
please help:
sub my_fork {
  my $cmd = $_[0];
  my $pid;

 FORK: {
    if ($pid = fork) {
    return $pid;
    } elsif (defined $pid) {
    log_message("------------$cmd output BEGIN-------------");
    my $ret = system($cmd) ;
        if($ret !=0){
            print "$cmd not successful\n";
            log_and_exit("$cmd not successful",16) ;
            my @output = `$cmd`;
    #       log_message("------------$cmd output END---------------");
            exit 0;
    } elsif ($! =~ /No more process/) {
    # EAGAIN, supposedly recoverable fork error
    sleep 5;
    redo FORK;
    } else {
    # weird fork error
    log_and_exit("Can't fork: $!\n",$failure);

sub execute_command_rc {
    my $expectedrc = $_[0];
    my $command = $_[1];
    my $pid = my_fork($command);
    my $returned_pid = waitpid($pid,0);
    my $status = $?;
    log_and_exit("no child procs to collect?????",$failure) if ($returned_pid == -1);
    log_and_exit("returned pid: $returned_pid should have been $pid",$failure)
    if ($returned_pid != $pid);
    my $exit_value = $status >> 8;
    my $signal_num = $status & 127;
    my $dumped_core = $status & 128;

    log_message("$command exited with status: 16 (instead of $expectedrc)")
    if ($exit_value != $expectedrc);

    log_message("$command killed by signal: $signal_num")
    if ($signal_num);

    log_message("$command dumped core")
    if ($dumped_core);

    log_message("------------$command output END---------------");
    # emulate bash behavior. if process is killed, then return (128 | signal no.)
    return ($signal_num | 128) if ($signal_num);
    return $exit_value;
execute_command_rc(0,'ps -eo vsz,pid,args | sort -n');

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Please use [CODE] tags when posting source listings, etc. It makes for an easier read

Last edited by pludi; 08-25-2011 at 01:31 PM..
# 2  
Old 08-26-2011
my @output = `$cmd` ; 
if(($?>>8) !=0){ # see perlvar manpage (CHILD_ERROR) 
    print "$cmd not successful\n"; 
    log_and_exit("$cmd not successful",16) ;     
} else { 
    #       log_message("------------$cmd output END---------------");             
    exit 0;         

# 3  
Old 08-29-2011
Thanks hfreyer

Thanks dude it's working for me... Smilie

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