ksh file execution problem

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# 1  
Old 08-23-2011
ksh file execution problem

There is a ksh file as below
HTML Code:
/scripts/dir> ls -ltr script.ksh
-rwxrwxrwx    1 oprlxr   lxr            4937 Aug 19 11:13 script.ksh
i logged on to the server with my ID and able to see the above file. I tried executing it but it was shoing below error.
HTML Code:
(JSKOBS) /scripts/dir> ./script.ksh
ksh: ./script.ksh:  not found
Can someone tell me why it shows above error.
# 2  
Old 08-23-2011
ksh -x script.ksh

and you should see what's your problem.
# 3  
Old 08-23-2011
The first line may not be correct - shebang statement. If it is ksh it should be
#!/usr/bin/ksh or #!/bin/ksh

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