copying files using regular expression

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# 1  
Old 08-20-2011
copying files using regular expression

I have 3 files names as HU123.IHS ,SU345.IHS DU567.IHS

I have written a script to copy the files to the destination server but I am getting the error.

/bin/cp '/dun/homes/11.3.7/packages/HU*.IHS' /dun/homes/11.3.7/Target

But I am getting one error :-

/bin/cp: cannot stat `/dun/homes/11.3.7/packages/HU*.IHS': No such file or directory

But that file is present in the source location.I have used "\" also but no use.Please suggest asap .I need to deliver my code today .I am using Linux
# 2  
Old 08-20-2011
provide the output
ls -l /dun/homes/11.3.7/packages/HU*.IHS

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