2 carriage return within a record

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting 2 carriage return within a record
# 8  
Old 08-18-2011
the actual input file,

HPB_001_V_01|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of
diabetes mellitus aged 18 - 69 years |1998|B|9%|9.00||A||20101201000000|HSID|||
HPB_001_V_02|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of diabetes mellitus aged 18 - 69 years |1998|R|9%|9.00||A||20101201000000|HSID|Testing
HPB_001_V_03|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of diabetes mellitus
aged 18 - 69 years |2004|R|8.2%|8.20||A||20101201000000|HSID|Test Test
HPB_001_V_04|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of diabetes mellitus aged 18 - 69 years |2010|R|11.3%|11.30|U|A||20101201000000|HSID|||

# 9  
Old 08-18-2011
Ok, and I assume that every line but the 1st should be appended so that all lines start with "HPB"?
# 10  
Old 08-18-2011
$> awk -F\| 'NR>1 && /^HPB/ {if(l){print l};l=$0; next} l {l=l $0; next}1' infile
HPB_001_V_01|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence ofdiabetes mellitus aged 18 - 69 years |1998|B|9%|9.00||A||20101201000000|HSID|||
HPB_001_V_02|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of diabetes mellitus aged 18 - 69 years |1998|R|9%|9.00||A||20101201000000|HSID|TestingRemarks||
HPB_001_V_03|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of diabetes mellitusaged 18 - 69 years |2004|R|8.2%|8.20||A||20101201000000|HSID|Test TestTest||

If you want the ":::" as delimeter for the pasted parts, use:
$> awk -F\| 'NR>1 && /^HPB/ {if(l){print l};l=$0; next} l {l=l ":::" $0; next}1' infile
HPB_001_V_01|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of:::diabetes mellitus aged 18 - 69 years |1998|B|9%|9.00||A||20101201000000|HSID|||
HPB_001_V_02|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of diabetes mellitus aged 18 - 69 years |1998|R|9%|9.00||A||20101201000000|HSID|Testing:::Remarks||
HPB_001_V_03|HPB|HPB_001|Prevalence of diabetes mellitus:::aged 18 - 69 years |2004|R|8.2%|8.20||A||20101201000000|HSID|Test Test:::Test||

# 11  
Old 08-19-2011
Thanks zaxxon for your reply, sad to say that it is not working...
# 12  
Old 08-19-2011
Originally Posted by agathaeleanor
Thanks zaxxon for your reply, sad to say that it is not working...
How is it not working? Post any error messagees and/or describe how the output deviates from your expectations. Also, you posted a sample input file in post #8 but not the corresponding desired output. You're making it very difficult to provide effective assistance.

# 13  
Old 08-19-2011
It is not working as if the output swapped between the first chunk of the carriage return with second chunk of the carriage return.

input sample:


I have compensated the actual input file thus zaxxon provided the solution as

awk -F\| 'NR>1 && /^HPB/ {if(l){print l};l=$0; next} l {l=l $0; next}1' infile


awk -F\| 'NR>1 && /^HPB/ {if(l){print l};l=$0; next} l {l=l ":::" $0; next}1' infile

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