Help with if-then; variables.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help with if-then; variables.
# 8  
Old 08-18-2011
Ok, going back to your original post I think I see at least a part of the problem.

Try this:

export JAVA_HOME=/hosting/products/WebSphereU01/java
result=`/hosting/ogsa/ogsa- -p 26572 -bp 26570 -ch nc3sz2ecmus02 -containers | awk '
   /Total known containers/ { sum += $NF; next}
   /Total known hosts/ { sum += $NF; next; }
   END {
      printf( "%d\n", sum > 161 && sum < 164 ? 1 : 0 );
   }' `

echo $result          # the 1 or 0 should be printed to the tty

I was confused by an earlier comment that I thought indicated the output was to be assigned to JAVA_HOME, but I now see that it needs to be in the environment in order to execute
This User Gave Thanks to agama For This Post:
# 9  
Old 08-18-2011
Originally Posted by agama
Ok, going back to your original post I think I see at least a part of the problem.

Try this:

export JAVA_HOME=/hosting/products/WebSphereU01/java
result=`/hosting/ogsa/ogsa- -p 26572 -bp 26570 -ch nc3sz2ecmus02 -containers | awk '
   /Total known containers/ { sum += $NF; next}
   /Total known hosts/ { sum += $NF; next; }
   END {
      printf( "%d\n", sum > 161 && sum < 164 ? 1 : 0 );
   }' `
echo $result          # the 1 or 0 should be printed to the tty

I was confused by an earlier comment that I thought indicated the output was to be assigned to JAVA_HOME, but I now see that it needs to be in the environment in order to execute
I think we may be getting there. I ran the script and this was the result. Which is correct as I am looking for either "0" and "1". I'm gonna run this some more..Thanks Smilie

$ ./hst1

---------- Post updated at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:08 AM ----------

Perhaps I am missing a syntax and I copied it exactly the way you had it. It seems to return the "0" even if I plug in the correct numbers. It should return a "1". For example; it returned a "0" even though the output of the data is:

Total known containers = 40
Total known hosts = 8

So if I plug in say
41 and 47, It still returns a "0". In this case it should have returned a "1".
END { printf( "%d\n", sum > 41 && sum < 47 ? 1 : 0 ); }' `

---------- Post updated at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:04 PM ----------

Actually this is what I need to simplify, the criteria has changed a little:

135 and/or 136 = 0
Anything else = 1
# 10  
Old 08-18-2011
Plugging in the values you did (41 and 47) should have caused it to generate a 0 because the sum was 48. Turns out I read your initial requirement wrong and thought if the sum was 162/163 it should generate a 1; you had used "other than" which I seem not to have noticed. All it would have taken was swapping the 0 and 1 in the statement.

Regardless, given your new criteria, this should do it. If it is either 135 or 136 then it should print 0, else 1.
 printf( "%d\n", sum == 135 || sum == 136 ? 0 : 1 );

Sorry for the confusion.
This User Gave Thanks to agama For This Post:
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