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# 1  
Old 08-17-2011
script help

writing a script, see below and within my main function i calling other functions, but before it starts the second function - need to test that the first functions runs correctly and so on. Please could someone advise the best approach Thankyou:
# Main                                                                               #
DATE=$(date +%m%d%y)
DPID=$(ps -ef|grep MainInitialization|grep -v grep)
if [ "${DPID}" = "" ]; then
cd $PATH
echo "Starting Main Initialization $DATE"
echo " "
echo " "
echo "Main Initialization completed successfully"
echo "The script process is already running: $DPID."

Last edited by Scott; 08-17-2011 at 01:06 PM.. Reason: Added code tags
# 2  
Old 08-17-2011
Each unix command stores its status on "$?".

To test it, display it after the commands you run.
# 3  
Old 08-17-2011
You can save the overhead of a pipeline and a process by removing the "grep -v grep".

Instead use
ps -ef|grep [M]ainInitialization

Calling this way still matches the string "MainInitialization" from the ps -ef command, but not match "grep [M]ainInitialization".

Try it, you'll see.
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