10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi, i am to linux/unix,i am using AIX 5.3. i want to connect sybase database through shell script, when i used "isql", it throws error "isql not found",
Do i need to install/configure anything, if yes please tell me how
kindly help me on this (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: venkatraman
4 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Helo Experts,
I have an issue in connecting to sybase from UNIX.
PFB, my code :
# Filename: docflo_split.sh
# Description:docflo_split.sh WrapperScript splits the temporary file... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Nits
1 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
check the connectivity of the DBs through script, script should exit if no connection and display the output as below.
connectivity for DB1 is OK
connectivity for DB2 is OK
connectivity for DB3 is FAILED
for DB in 1 2 3
(sqlplus -s... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: only4satish
5 Replies
4. Solaris
I need to check the sysbase database connectivity through the Unix Shell Script. Can you help me on the how to write the script to test the sysbase database connection.
Thanks in Advance
Nandha (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: nandha2387
0 Replies
5. IP Networking
How to check connectivity with an external server if I know the IP.
Please note traceroute is not working for me, as it is saying command not found. (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: nixhead
6 Replies
6. AIX
How do i check if Sybase is installed on aix..The sybase guy is doing remote installation and i need to check if he has installed sybase or not.
ive tried the following approaches.
#lslpp -L "*Sybase*" # tried other strings like "*ybase*" , "*base*"
#lslpp -ha |grep syb # tried... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: muzahed
4 Replies
7. IP Networking
Hi All,
I need an automation script to check the connectivity between 2 UNIX servers.
Could anybody please help in this regards?
janardhan (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: rjanardhan83
1 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
This past weekend I had some issues with my ISP.
So for future purpose I'm going to have some logging on my internet so I'm able to attach log files to my complaint email if this issue reoccurs.
Decided to do a simple ping script that runs every 5 or 10 min with crontab
if ping fail write date... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: chipmunken
5 Replies
9. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I am working on an unix server which has a mount point of windows server in it. I just need to check about the connectivity of this mount point with the windows server. Please let me know what should be done for that. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: venkidhadha
1 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
I want to write a script to check if a unix box say abc.tdc.cin.net can be connected or not on certain port say 22. right know i have to telnet them manually from DOS prompt and if it is successful then isay it is connected.
Also to check Database connectivity I am using tnsping From DOS prompt.... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: kukretiabhi13
3 Replies
Apache::Session::Lock::Sybase(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Apache::Session::Lock::Sybase(3pm)
Apache::Session::Lock::Sybase - Provides mutual exclusion using Sybase
use Apache::Session::Lock::Sybase;
my $locker = new Apache::Session::Lock::Sybase;
Apache::Session::Lock::Sybase fulfills the locking interface of Apache::Session. Mutual exclusion is achieved through the use of Sybase's
sp_getapplock and sp_releaseapplock functions. Sybase does not support the notion of read and write locks, so this module only supports
exclusive locks. When you request a shared read lock, it is instead promoted to an exclusive write lock.
The module must know how to connect to your MySQL database to acquire locks. You must provide a datasource name, a user name, and a
password. These options are passed in the usual Apache::Session style, and are very similar to the options for
Apache::Session::Store::Sybase. Example:
tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Sybase', $id, {
LockDataSource => 'dbi:sybase:database',
LockUserName => 'database_user',
LockPassword => 'K00l'
Instead, you may pass in an already opened DBI handle to your database.
tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Sybase', $id, {
LockHandle => $dbh
This module was written by Oliver Maul <oli@42.nu>.
perl v5.10.1 2010-10-18 Apache::Session::Lock::Sybase(3pm)