Need help to change values in XML using Python? noob help pls!

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Old 08-14-2011
Need help to change values in XML using Python? noob help pls!

Hello I am a noob in XML and Python. I am trying to do this for my MSc project about a network simulation and need some help.... I want to change the values shown below:


The code goes like this. Basically there are some parameters for every node in the system and the nodes goes like node0 node1 and every parameter name is same. I managed to change a single value like this:

# create a backup of original file
new_file_name = 'temp/1_cluster_TTP.dat.xml'
old_file_name = new_file_name + "backup"
os.rename(new_file_name, old_file_name)

# change text value of element
doc = parse(old_file_name)
node = doc.getElementsByTagName('num_clusters')
node[0].firstChild.nodeValue = '1'

# persist changes to new file
xml_file = open(new_file_name, "w")
doc.writexml(xml_file, encoding="utf-8")

But the problem is "num_clusters" is exists in only one place. The real parameters I want to change is in every nodes' parameter and the names are also the same. How can I modify this code to reach and change every values that I mentioned above? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Last edited by pludi; 08-14-2011 at 08:29 PM..
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