Joining Three Files

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Joining Three Files
# 8  
Old 08-12-2011
I believe your system has "old" awk. It can't understand "f in a" construction. Why don't you just try change awk to nawk ("new" awk)?
# 9  
Old 08-12-2011
frankly yazu, i love to do it.. but i don hav the authority to do it.. i am working on someone else unix server... Smilie
# 10  
Old 08-12-2011
Oh... Change on the command line, not in the system. Just use
$ nawk ...

# 11  
Old 08-12-2011
ohh.. thanks for that.. now the command is running. But i am getting all the records in second file whereas i need only the matched records. Let me explain one more time.
First file:
$ cat mac_trans.txt
StoreCENTER,625_1030061_830 AM,3485e17a-0baa-46a9-9edf-07a0858c4188,1030061,8956,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603
StoreCENTER,625_1030062_833 AM,992b6947-a404-4e10-8e35-44dd85ccd5ee,1030062,8957,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603
StoreCENTER,625_1030063_838 AM,aa742016-0b68-4155-bc60-ca44f3dd504b,1030063,8958,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603
StoreCENTER,625_1030064_839 AM,898189a4-7e5e-4341-9492-d6b72549c9bc,1030064,8959,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603
StoreCENTER,625_1030065_841 AM,01fc6fa4-6f40-47ce-ab76-fad4ddd88d6b,1030065,8960,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603
StoreCENTER,625_1030066_843 AM,6ddef2a7-8e11-4076-91fa-8cf3a1d8e3e0,1030066,8961,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603
StoreCENTER,625_1030067_844 AM,7d7ae219-70b7-4b8e-a282-a5a3a4cb2074,1030067,8962,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603

Second file
$ cat mac_discount.txt

4th column in first file has to do a lookup with 1st column in second file and has to be bring me the output with the additinal columns from the second file.
# 12  
Old 08-12-2011
Where is an output examples. I can guess than from your input files you want to get this one line:

StoreCENTER,625_1030064_839 AM,898189a4-7e5e-4341-9492-d6b72549c9bc,

But maybe i'm wrong?
# 13  
Old 08-12-2011
Sorry my bad. I should give you output. It should be like this.
StoreCENTER,625_1030061_830 AM,3485e17a-0baa-46a9-9edf-07a0858c4188,1030061,8956,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603,,,
StoreCENTER,625_1030062_833 AM,992b6947-a404-4e10-8e35-44dd85ccd5ee,1030062,8957,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603,,,
StoreCENTER,625_1030063_838 AM,aa742016-0b68-4155-bc60-ca44f3dd504b,1030063,8958,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603,,,
StoreCENTER,625_1030064_839 AM,898189a4-7e5e-4341-9492-d6b72549c9bc,1030064,8959,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603,1238,1,12380005080811105527,Customer
StoreCENTER,625_1030065_841 AM,01fc6fa4-6f40-47ce-ab76-fad4ddd88d6b,1030065,8960,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603,,,
StoreCENTER,625_1030066_843 AM,6ddef2a7-8e11-4076-91fa-8cf3a1d8e3e0,1030066,8961,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603,,,
StoreCENTER,625_1030067_844 AM,7d7ae219-70b7-4b8e-a282-a5a3a4cb2074,1030067,8962,1,625,MBROWNE,3,000000011603,,,

Just like a left outer join. Hope i make sense.
# 14  
Old 08-12-2011
Why only 3 blank fields on non-matching lines (and four additional on matching ones)?
And do you need to keep the order of lines in mac_trans.txt or it doesn't matter?
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