Need help to make a loop

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Old 08-10-2011
Need help to make a loop

Below is my code. I want a loop in this way that if folder has tag sub-folder then it will show the list of tags otherwise it will show the subfolders of that folder and then again user will select sub-folder and if tags found then show the tag list otherwise show all subfolders till he finds the tag subfolder. Code should be append at the highlighted area

My code
unset Reponame

  cd ${RepoList}
  List=`ls|cut -d " " -f6`
  for i in ${List};do echo "${i}";done>/home/e030809/Repo.txt
  cat /home/e030809/Repo.txt|while read line; do count=`echo $count + 1 | bc`; echo "$count)$line"; done|tee /home/e030809/Repo1.txt

  echo -en "Enter the number corresponding to the repository to check list of labels or type q to quit(1,2...):"
  read usrInput
  if [[ "${usrInput}" == "Q" || "${usrInput}" == "q" ]]; then
    return 0;
    if [ -z $usrInput ];then
      return 0;
  cat /home/e030809/Repo1.txt|grep -w "$usrInput"|cut -d ")" -f2|head -1|tee /home/e030809/Repo2.txt
  Reponame=`cat /home/e030809/Repo2.txt|sed 's/[ \t]*$//' #`
  #echo $Reponame

  svn ls${Reponame}/|cut -d "/" -f1 >/home/e030809/Repo3.txt (This command show the list of subfolders)
  find=`cat /home/e030809/Repo3.txt|grep -w "tags"|sed 's/[ \t]*$//' #`
  if [[ "$find" == "tags" ]];then
    svn ls${Reponame}/${find} (This command will show the list of tags because find variable has value tags)
    echo -e "Repository "${Reponame}" has below modules.Please select appropriate number corresponding to module:"
    cat /home/e030809/Repo3.txt|while read line; do count=`echo $count + 1 | bc`; echo "$count)$Reponame/$line"; done


Last edited by Scott; 08-10-2011 at 08:12 AM.. Reason: You will not receive any further reminders about code tags...
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