need to enclose a string in quotes

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# 1  
Old 08-09-2011
need to enclose a string in quotes

I have a script which I call and pass a text string to it. This string is then is assigned to a variable in the script. I then call another script and pass that variable to the second script, but when I do, the quotes are lost and the second script gets a total of three variables 'my', 'lovely' and 'string' instead of one whole "my lovely string".
./ "my lovely string"
echo var1 is $var1
./ \"$var1\"

if [ ! "$1" = "" ]
        echo var1 is $1

The whole sequence when run in debug mode looks like this:
sh -x "testing my changes"
+ var1='testing my changes'
+ echo var1 is testing my changes
var1 is testing my changes
+ ./ '"testing' my 'changes"'
var1 is "testing
Note the extra single quotes in when is called. So my question is is there a way to preserve my original string as a whole while passing it on to An alternative would be to replace spaces with underscores, but that would be lame and I'd like to be able to support spaces in the string. Any pointers are appreciated.
# 2  
Old 08-09-2011
Why do you escape double quotes in ./ \"$var1\" ? Without backslashes everything should work. But the idiomatic way to pass shell script arguments to another command is:
./script2 "$@"

And extra single quotes are the result of working 'set -x'.
# 3  
Old 08-09-2011
Those aren't extra single quotes. That's just the shell tracing making explicit what's going on.

If you want to pass the value of $var1 with literal quotes to the second script, you need to do the following:
./ \""$var1"\"

Aside from the backslash-escaped set of quotes that you intend to pass literally, you must use an unescaped pair to protect $var1 from subsequent field splitting and file globbing.

# 4  
Old 08-09-2011
Originally Posted by alister
Those aren't extra single quotes. That's just the shell tracing making explicit what's going on.

If you want to pass the value of $var1 with literal quotes to the second script, you need to do the following:
./ \""$var1"\"

Aside from the backslash-escaped set of quotes that you intend to pass literally, you must use an unescaped pair to protect $var1 from subsequent field splitting and file globbing.

Thanks, this combination of quotes/escapes worked!
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