Parse a file with awk?

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# 1  
Old 08-08-2011
Parse a file with awk?

Hi guys (and gals).

I need some help. I'm running an IVR purely on Asterisk where I capture the DTMFs. After pulsing each DTMF I have Asterisk write to a file with whatever was dialed (mostly used for record-keeping) and at the end of the survey I write all variables in a single line to a separate file from which I generate reports and the results. I had a problem and for a couple of days this last file has not been getting written, but I have the other (debug) file.

If you look at the debug I have date, time, Question #, a number (unique id per call or call identifier), response, this for each question (12 in total). The one file I get my reports from has date, time, a number, answer 1, answer 2, ..., answer 12.

I need to generate the 'report file' from the 'debug file'. I know it has to be quite simple using awk, but I just can't get there. Any help..., please.... Smilie

Many thanks!!
# 2  
Old 08-08-2011
awk -F \| '$2~/END/&&$4~/[0-9]+/{d[$4]=$1}
           $2~/^Q/{q[$4 FS $2]=$NF}
           END{ for (i in d) 
                {  printf d[i] FS i
                   for (j=1;j<=12;j++) printf FS q[i FS "Q" j]
                   printf RS
              }' Debug.txt |sort -n

This User Gave Thanks to rdcwayx For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-09-2011
Thank you so much! It worked like a charm! Smilie I was actually looking at the problem in another approach, but your solution is very, very nice! Thanks a lot!!
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