Data Extraction problem in perl

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# 1  
Old 08-08-2011
Data Extraction problem in perl


I want to extract the words from a file which starts with SRD-R or SRD-DR.
I have written a script which is able to trace the word but it is printing the whole line.

sub extract_SRD_tag{

my ($tag, $app, $path, @data, $word );
$path = shift;
$app = shift;

open (FILE, $path) or die ("unable to open the file\n");

@data = <FILE>;

foreach $word (@data){

   if ($word =~ m/SRD-/){
      print $word,"\n";
      if ($word )

print "The path is ", $app;

close (FILE);


But i want to keep all the found data in one array and and print that array.......
Thanks for u r response in advance.

Last edited by pludi; 08-08-2011 at 06:09 AM..
# 2  
Old 08-08-2011
 if ($word =~ m/.*(SRD-[^\s]+).*/){
      print $1,"\n";

# 3  
Old 08-08-2011
thanks guruprasad....

I want to search all the word which ends with "_4digits"
(words which starts with SRD- and ends with _0010(it can be any 4 digits))
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