Replace a text with a particular column and particular line

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# 1  
Old 08-05-2011
Replace a text with a particular column and particular line

I have a file test.txt

cat test.txt shows

10 200
5 600 1000
4 88 9
6 66 101

Suppose, I want to replace a number with a particular line and column. For instance, the number 88 in line 3, column 2.
I want to replace it by 99. How can I do that?

Note that I am not aware that (3,2) non-white space text is 88. It can be any number in general.

I tried to do with sed. But yet not succeeded. Smilie

Thank you.

* test.txt file attached.
# 2  
Old 08-05-2011
awk -v line=3 -v col=2 '{ if(NR==line) { $col=33}; print $0}'   inputfile

# 3  
Old 08-05-2011
Thanks. I guess, it would be 99 instead of 33 for my problem.

However, could you explain the syntax and arguments, e.g. if(NR==line)?

Thank you very much.
# 4  
Old 08-05-2011
Originally Posted by hbar
Thanks. I guess, it would be 99 instead of 33 for my problem.

However, could you explain the syntax and arguments, e.g. if(NR==line)?

Thank you very much.
NR = Number Of Records (simply lines), "line" is a variable which is given the value "3" with -v option of AWK at the beginning.

also some links:
# 5  
Old 08-07-2011
Thanks a lot, Jim and Eagle.

---------- Post updated at 03:35 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:39 PM ----------

Sorry, I think, I'm still having a problem.

As I said, in my example,

cat test.txt gives

10 200
5 600 1000
4 88 9
6 66 101

Now I wish to line=2,col=1 element, i.e. 5 by a variable.

I define the variable as follows.


Now if I do

awk -v line=2 -v col=1 '{ if(NR==line) { $col=$var}; print $0}' test.txt ,

I'm getting

10 200
5 600 1000 600 1000
4 88 9
6 66 101

whereas I was expecting

10 200
99 600 1000
4 88 9
6 66 101

What's going wrong? Thanks.
# 6  
Old 08-07-2011

$ awk -v line=2 -v col=1 -v var=99 '{ if(NR==line) { $col=var}; print $0}' test.txt
10 200                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
99 600 1000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
4 88 9                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
6 66 101

# 7  
Old 08-07-2011

Sorry I cannot assign var=99 in the same line, since it's going to be updated through a for loop.
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