Setting up a path in UNIX

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Setting up a path in UNIX
# 1  
Old 08-04-2011
Setting up a path in UNIX

I have the following script "test". When i tried to execute it, I am not able to run it. I dunno why ? Then i tried getting the first few lines of the script which is displayed below:
$head -10 test

PROG=$0;export PROG

Now i was asked to set the path for the get_inf_env variable. Could some one help me in letting me know abt how to set up a path ? Any help wud be highly appreciated


Last edited by Franklin52; 08-04-2011 at 01:50 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags for data and code samples, thank you
# 2  
Old 08-04-2011
get_inf_env is not a variable, it is name of some utility being executed. I think your task is to set PATH variable, so get_inf_env can be run in the script without specifying whole path. To do so try:
PATH=/path/containing/get_inf_env:$PATH;export PATH

Add this line as the second line in your script.
This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-04-2011
Originally Posted by bartus11
get_inf_env is not a variable, it is name of some utility being executed. I think your task is to set PATH variable, so get_inf_env can be run in the script without specifying whole path. To do so try:
PATH=/path/containing/get_inf_env:$PATH;export PATH

Add this line as the second line in your script.

So do you want me to include the path in the script itself which will probably take the following format
PROG=$0;export PROG
PATH=/path/containing/get_inf_env:$PATH;export PATH

Last edited by Franklin52; 08-06-2011 at 05:40 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags for data and code samples, thank you
# 4  
Old 08-04-2011
to set PATH
you have 2 solutions
The 1st is temp
$ PATH=$PATH:/pathto_get_inf_env:/somedir

The 2nd is permanent but it depends on your shell for bash as an example

$ vi ~/.bash_profile

then insert the following line
export PATH=$PATH:/pathto_get_inf_env:/somedir

$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/pathto_get_inf_env:/somedir' >> ~/.bashrc

or you can add the absolute path to get_inf_env in your script
# 5  
Old 08-04-2011
Originally Posted by bobby1015
So do you want me to include the path in the script itself which will probably take the following format

PROG=$0;export PROG
PATH=/path/containing/get_inf_env:$PATH;export PATH
Yes, it should be in the script, but not after get_inf_env lines, but before:
PROG=$0;export PROG
PATH=/path/containing/get_inf_env:$PATH;export PATH

# 6  
Old 08-04-2011
Thanx for all the replies..That was quite informative. Appreciated
But the thing which bothers me is I am not able to find the get_inf_env in the directory.. I have searched in all the directories. But still am not able to find the path for that particular utility..
# 7  
Old 08-04-2011
Did you try this?
find / -name "get_inf_env" -type f

It will take a while to finish but it will find it if it is present on your server.
This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
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