ISQL syntax can't read

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# 1  
Old 08-04-2011
ISQL syntax can't read

Hi Everyone,

newbie here, please help me i can't read the code i'm confused reading this code.

select c.net_svc_id, c.inst_st_dt into ${REO_RECON_USERID_LUZON_TEMP} from ${WO_INST_SITE_COMP_FIELDS} a, ${WO_INST_SITE_COMPONENTS} b, ${WO_INST} c where a.cust_ac_no = b.cust_ac_no and a.inst_seq_no = b.inst_seq_no and a.site_no = b.site_no and a.comp_no = b.comp_no and a.comp_type = b.comp_type and b.cust_ac_no = c.cust_ac_no and b.inst_seq_no = c.inst_seq_no and a.field_id = 'USERID' and a.field_value like '' and convert( char(8), c.inst_st_dt, 112) <= "${ICCBS_DATE}"
select net_svc_id, max(inst_st_dt)inststdt into ${REO_RECON_USERID_LUZON_UPDATE} from ${REO_RECON_USERID_LUZON_TEMP} group by net_svc_id

Please advise,

# 2  
Old 08-05-2011
Formatting and -- comments, and assuming the $ variables expand to simple items:
 into ${REO_RECON_USERID_LUZON_TEMP} -- Creates a table
 from -- three way inner join using where
  ${WO_INST_SITE_COMP_FIELDS} a, -- assume variables have relation names
  ${WO_INST} c
 where a.cust_ac_no = b.cust_ac_no
    and a.inst_seq_no = b.inst_seq_no
    and a.site_no = b.site_no
    and a.comp_no = b.comp_no
    and a.comp_type = b.comp_type
    and b.cust_ac_no = c.cust_ac_no
    and b.inst_seq_no = c.inst_seq_no
    and a.field_id = 'USERID'
    and a.field_value like ''
    and convert( char(8), c.inst_st_dt, 112) <= "${ICCBS_DATE}" -- better to compare as datetime not char.
  max(inst_st_dt) inststdt
 into ${REO_RECON_USERID_LUZON_UPDATE} -- creates a table
 group by net_svc_id

Unless tables get repeat or delayed use, you can put them into derived tables of the using query.

Last edited by DGPickett; 08-05-2011 at 11:01 AM..
This User Gave Thanks to DGPickett For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-07-2011
thank you very much sir. it helps me a lot to understand the code.
# 4  
Old 08-09-2011
I prefer the ansi join, which enables more join options ( inner and right, left, full outer ) and sometimes helps optimization:
 into ${REO_RECON_USERID_LUZON_TEMP} -- Creates a table
 from -- three way inner join using where
  ${WO_INST_SITE_COMP_FIELDS} a -- assume variables have relation names
  ON    a.cust_ac_no = b.cust_ac_no
    and a.inst_seq_no = b.inst_seq_no
    and a.site_no = b.site_no
    and a.comp_no = b.comp_no
    and a.comp_type = b.comp_type
 join ${WO_INST} c
  ON    b.cust_ac_no = c.cust_ac_no
    and b.inst_seq_no = c.inst_seq_no
 where a.field_id = 'USERID'
    and a.field_value like ''
    and convert( char(8), c.inst_st_dt, 112) <= "${ICCBS_DATE}" -- better to compare as datetime not char.

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