How to convert date and timestamp?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to convert date and timestamp?
# 1  
Old 08-03-2011
Question How to convert date and timestamp?

I have a file file1 having data as below

20110501,070742, ,012345678909,09999999999,68.5,
20110501,070236, ,089375855455,09376383333,374.3, 
20110501,070525, ,090345895555,08444233444,206.2,
20110501,230051, ,000934744433,07624262223,480.1,

First field is date(YYYYMMDD) and second field is time stamp(HHMMSS).The timestamp is GMT. Now I have to add 5 hr. and 30 min. to the second field .But now the time will be changed and date also(if time is 23 hrs 00 min and 51 seconds).

the ouput should be:

20110501,123742, ,012345678909,09999999999,68.5,
20110501,123236, ,089375855455,09376383333,374.3, 
20110501,123525, ,090345895555,08444233444,206.2,
20110502,043051, ,000934744433,07624262223,480.1,

How to do this. Plese help.

Last edited by radoulov; 08-03-2011 at 11:27 AM.. Reason: Code tags.
# 2  
Old 08-03-2011
Asked many times here (similar ones). search "getcalc" in this forum.

If you have DB in your system, then it would be a simple "sql" to do that.
# 3  
Old 08-03-2011
There is no function getcalc available. please help if anybody having any idea.
# 4  
Old 08-03-2011
Aplogies for the typo, it is "datecalc".

A link with more details:
# 5  
Old 08-03-2011
Thanks panyam. But my question is totally different. I have certain records in a file. First field is YYYYMMDD(Yearmonth and date) and the second field is HHMMSS(Hour,min and sconds).this is 24 Hrs format. Then I have to convert the time in the fields to IST. i.e. I have to add 5 hrs 30 min to the second field. and then obviously i have to check the date.suppose if the time in second field is 233000. then the new time will be 050000. and the date will be incremented by 1. I have to implement this scenario.

sample input file:
20110501,070742, ,012345678909,09999999999,68.5,
20110501,070236, ,089375855455,09376383333,374.3, 
20110501,070525, ,090345895555,08444233444,206.2,
20110501,230051, ,000934744433,07624262223,480.1,

Output File:
20110501,123742, ,012345678909,09999999999,68.5,
20110501,123236, ,089375855455,09376383333,374.3, 
20110501,123525, ,090345895555,08444233444,206.2,
20110502,043051, ,000934744433,07624262223,480.1,

The date has been changed in the 4th record.

Please help if anybody having any idea.

Last edited by Franklin52; 08-03-2011 at 02:13 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags for data and code samples, thank you
# 6  
Old 08-03-2011
Dont know how to do date arithmetic in shell or it is tedious and cumbersome but here's a perl script you can try. It reads each line from the input file and splits it into fields based on the comma delimiter...then it extracts the year month monthday etc. information from each field and converts it into seconds since the epoch and adds 5.5 hrs (converted into seconds) to it...followed by recalculating the new date and time and putting it into a tm object...

while (<>) {
    use Time::Local;
    use Time::localtime;

    @f = split /,/, $_;
    $gmt = 5*60*60 + 30*60;

    $yr = substr($f[0], 0, 4) - 1900;
    $mo = substr($f[0], 4, 2) - 1;
    $dy = substr($f[0], 6, 2);
    $hr = substr($f[1], 0, 2);
    $mi = substr($f[1], 2, 2);
    $se = substr($f[1], 4, 2);

    $epoch = timelocal($se,$mi,$hr,$dy,$mo,$yr) + $gmt;
    $tm = localtime($epoch);


Save the above perl script into a file and run it on the command line like...
your_script_name inputfile

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