Problem in Using fgrep Command with pattern file option

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# 1  
Old 08-03-2011
Problem in Using fgrep Command with pattern file option


i am using fgrep command with following syntax

fgrep -v -f pattern_file_name file

file contains few line and have the pattern which i am giving in pattern file.

My Problem is :
its is not giving any output.

while i am using fgrep -f pattern_file_name file

it is showing all lines of file.

this was the case of Cshell, if i run these command in tclsh

then (fgrep -v -f pattern_file_name file) command giving exception like -child process exited abnormally.

please provide me a solution of this problem.


Last edited by radoulov; 08-03-2011 at 10:35 AM.. Reason: Code tags.
# 2  
Old 08-03-2011
I believe the only cause is wrong patterns in your "pattern_file_name". But I could be wrong of course.
# 3  
Old 08-03-2011
I tried in CSH and the same worked for me OK.

cat rem
aa bb
dd ff

cat rem1
ss ddd aa bb ff gg
dd ff ff ff fff

TESTBOX> fgrep -f rem rem1
ss ddd aa bb ff gg
dd ff ff ff fff
TESTBOX> fgrep -v -f rem rem1

post the sample i/p and o/p from your system.
# 4  
Old 08-03-2011
Thanks Panyam

I used same file which you have shown in ur thread but still ...

cat file ----
ss ddd aa bb ff gg
dd ff ff ff fff

cat filter1
aa bb
dd ff

Output for the command ---fgrep -f filter1 file
it is giving complete file
ss ddd aa bb ff gg
dd ff ff ff fff

output for the command ---fgrep -v -f filter1 file

it is not printing anything

so what may be the problem with me ?

# 5  
Old 08-03-2011
Looks odd!!..

Is it a simple "grep" working?

try with grep -f option and see.
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