[Solved] Script to split a file into two

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# 1  
Old 08-02-2011
[Solved] Script to split a file into two

Hi i have a file like

a 12
b 13

c 14
d 15

I want to split it based on a blank line like in first file I should have
a 12
b 13
and in the second file I have
c 14
d 15
How can i do this? Any help will be greatly appreciated
# 2  
Old 08-02-2011
awk ' /^$/ { t++; next }
      !t   { print > "file1" }
      t    { print > "file2" }

This User Gave Thanks to yazu For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-03-2011
Hi Yazu,

yes ,its working fine
Many thanksSmilie

---------- Post updated 08-03-11 at 04:48 AM ---------- Previous update was 08-02-11 at 06:02 AM ----------

This is working fine but it might be possible that files are already splitted,in that case I have to send a mail to an address,I searched for that in this forum and found some information on that, but using all those also i cant implement the logic of sending the mail through script

this is what I have tried

b=` ls | grep 'Fin' | wc -l`
if [ $b = $a ]
mailx -s "Subject"  xx@yy.com
awk ' /^$/ { t++; next }
      !t   { print > "A.Txt" }
      t    { print > "B.TXt" }
' FinFile.txt
exit 1

When i try to execute this its not doing anything ,when i tried by using sh -x ,
I can see its stopped at the mail line

need your help.

Many thanks in advance

Last edited by radoulov; 08-03-2011 at 07:50 AM.. Reason: Code tags.
# 4  
Old 08-03-2011
The format to send mails is a bit tricky. The general invocation syntax is:

<process generating mail text> | mail -s "<Subject line>" <recipients address>">

So, for example, if you want to send a mail with the text "Hello World." and the subject "first attempt" to "person@server.org" you would write:

echo "Hello World." | mail -s "first attempt" person@server.org

Your problem was that there was no text body you tried to send.

I hope this helps.


PS: On a second thought: Do you have some sort of mail daemon installed and running on your system? You will have to install this to be able to send mails.

This User Gave Thanks to bakunin For This Post:
# 5  
Old 08-03-2011

Hi Bakunin,

Its working fine,

Thanks a lotttttSmilie
# 6  
Old 08-04-2011
Hi all,

I have an another issue in the new files,I am struggling to remove carriage return at the end of file,because due to that i am getting a extra line at the end of file,I tried the below
cat filename | sed 's/.$//' > file1


sed 's!\\r\\r\\n!\\r\\n!g' temp5.txt > temp7.txt

But i am not able to remove it,not sure where i am doing wrong?

Please help Smilie

Many thanks in advance..
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