Script for Rebooting infa servers

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Old 08-01-2011
Script for Rebooting infa servers

I am new to unix, trying to learn things
I have written unix script to stop Informatica server and re-start them.
In order to stop the servers i need to check the below
1. Check if the infa servers are already running.
2. If the servers are already running then, i need to stop the servers.
3. If the servers are not running then exit.
4. Once the servers are stopped, check if the they stopped successfull.
5. If not forcefull shutdown the servers.

Below is the script for checking the services are running or not.

Defined all the variable

#*********Check whether the Integration services is still running*************
ps -ef| grep $username | grep $INFA_INT_SERVICE | grep -vq grep
if [ $? -eq 1 ]
#exit 1
#********** Check to see if Repository Service is still running**************
ps -ef| grep $username | grep $INFA_REPO_SERVICE | grep -vq grep
if [ $? -eq 1 ]
echo "$datetimestamp: $INFA_REPO_SERVICE is not running" 
#***********To check whether the informatica Domain is still running**********
ps -ef| grep $username | grep $INFA_DOMAIN | grep -vq grep
if [ $? -eq 1 ]
if [[ $error_flag1 -eq 1 && $error_flag2 -eq 2 && $error_flag3 -eq 3 ]]
echo "Informatica services are not running"
exit 1

The script is working fine as excepted.
I wanted to know if it can be fine tuned. Is the error handling process is correct.

And also
when i am doing pidof DINFA_DOMAINS_FILE
its returing null.

Please suggest.

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Last edited by pludi; 08-01-2011 at 05:15 AM..
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