AWK How to replace a field using 2 shell variables?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting AWK How to replace a field using 2 shell variables?
# 1  
Old 07-28-2011
AWK How to replace a field using 2 shell variables?

Hello everybody:
I want to replace any field $2 of any file line (f.i. test.txt) matching $1 with a shell variable.

$ cat test.txt    
F       0
B       A
H       -12.33

Now I'm going to ask the value of variable B:
$ OLDVAL=$(awk -v SEARCHVAR="$SEARCHVAR" '$1==SEARCHVAR {print $2}' test.txt)
$ echo $OLDVAL

And finally i tries to replace this value ("A") from field 2 by another shell variable with "10", using awk again:
$ awk -v SEARCHVAR="$SEARCHVAR" OLDVAL="$OLDVAL" NEWVAL="$NEWVAL" '{if($1==SEARCHVAR && $2==OLDVAL) sub{OLDVAL,NEWVAL,$2} {print}}' test.txt

Unfortunately I only gets fatal error messages again & again.
Can you help me, please?
Thanks all in advace.

Last edited by basalt; 07-28-2011 at 04:42 PM..
# 2  
Old 07-28-2011
# cat file
F 0
H -12.33
# awk -vSEARCHVAR="B" -vOLDVAL="A" -vNEWVAL=10 '$1==SEARCHVAR && $2==OLDVAL{sub(OLDVAL,NEWVAL,$2)}1' file
F 0
B 10
H -12.33

PS: Please use [code] tags when you post code or data sample.
This User Gave Thanks to danmero For This Post:
# 3  
Old 07-28-2011
I just edited it with codes danmero.

Your solution was not able for me. I can't to look the old value from a file every time i needs to change it. I must that the shell do it by itself. But thanks to it, finally I found with the solution:
OLDVAL=$(awk -v SEARCHVAR="$SEARCHVAR" '$1==SEARCHVAR {print $2}' test.txt)

the shell will show this:
A       0
B 10
C       -12.33

I hope this can to help it to someone Smilie

Last edited by basalt; 07-28-2011 at 06:23 PM..
# 4  
Old 07-28-2011
# cat file
F       0
B       A
H       -12.33
F       0
B       10
H       -12.33

If that's what you want , you don't need to parse the file twice.
This User Gave Thanks to danmero For This Post:
# 5  
Old 07-29-2011
Originally Posted by danmero
# cat file
F       0
B       A
H       -12.33
F       0
B       10
H       -12.33

If that's what you want , you don't need to parse the file twice.
Oh yes!! That is an awsome solution. Thanks a lot ! Smilie
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