dynamic variable value assignmnet

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# 1  
Old 07-28-2011
dynamic variable value assignmnet

Listing the query in short
#! /bin/csh -f
#say i have invoked the script with two arguments : a1 and 2
set arg = $1 # that means arg = a1
echo "$arg" #it prints a1
#now what i want is:
echo "$a1" 
#it will give error message :a1 undefined.
#however what i need is that the echo statement with a1 should print 2 (=$2)

consider the script code below

script name: dyn_par
#!/bin/csh -f
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)printf("%s=%s\n",$i,$i)}' script_name.txt    
#the awk line reads the script and prints 

while ( $1 != "" )
  set arg = $1                   #That is arg = a1
  echo " arg ==== $arg "
  # I need to have a1 = $1
  echo "a1 = $a1" # should print value at  $2

content of script_name.txt is
script1 a1

at terminal, the script is invoked as below:

$ ./dyn_par a1 2

What i am trying to do is, to create the variable "a1" dynamically and assigning it a value a1= $2 =(which is here 2).
Rather than directly declaring the variable in dyn_par script, i wish to
1) dynamically declare variables using the data in script_name.txt file (so that any entries made to script_name file will automatically declare the variables)
2) use arguments ,($1) to identify the variable a1 and $2 to store the value(=2 here) to it.

Last edited by animesharma; 07-28-2011 at 02:37 AM..
# 2  
Old 07-28-2011
Here is example, need eval - parse line twice

eval $varname=\""$value"\"
echo "$varname"
eval echo "\"$varname:\$$varname"\"

# 3  
Old 07-28-2011

the example does prints " a1= 2",
but in my case i want
echo "$a1" # prints 2

I will try to be more clear:
#! /bin/csh -f
#say i have invoked the script with two arguments : a1 and 2
set arg = $1 # that means arg = a1
echo "$arg" #it prints a1
#now what i want is:
echo "$a1" 
#it will give error message :a1 undefined.
#however what i need is that the echo statement with a1 should print 2 (=$2)

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