Post using nc(netcat)

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# 1  
Old 07-27-2011
Post using nc(netcat)

I have a url like

in which i want to use nc for http post for parameters like "name","password"....etc
can neone please help me how to do that using nc.i have read few articles regarding that..but only thing i came to kno that i can be done using nc command.

Please help me..Smilie

Last edited by radoulov; 07-27-2011 at 07:55 AM.. Reason: Code tags.
# 2  
Old 07-27-2011
You'll have to send a HTTP POST command through netcat, eg
(echo 'POST /examples/jsp/dates/nextPageToPost.jsp HTTP/1.1'
echo 'Host: localhost'
echo 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
echo 'your data url encoded' ) | nc localhost 80

# 3  
Old 07-27-2011
after encoding my data in url format..

(echo 'POST /examples/jsp/dates/nextPageToPost.jsp HTTP/1.1'
echo 'Host: localhost'
echo 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
echo 'name=ajay&password=pas&sex=Male&check=on&nationality=USA&description=aa&submit=submit' ) | nc localhost 8080

I m not recieving ne response form server..or do we have to do nething special to get the response back for nc post.


Last edited by pludi; 07-27-2011 at 09:39 AM..
# 4  
Old 07-27-2011
Please start using [CODE] tags when posting command lines and the like.
Tying 'ne' instead of 'any' saves you exactly 1 character, while making your text much harder to read. Please use correct English if possible.
An lastly, what I posted was a quick, non-tested example to show you how this could be done, and by no means a ready, full functional script. If you want a finished script because you don't want to bother yourself, just tell us so, but then don't expect us to go head over heels for that.
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