i need help with my perl script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting i need help with my perl script
# 1  
Old 07-27-2011
i need help with my perl script

hi Experts,

I'm new in perl and i don't know whats wrong with my arrays as i'm getting this error:

[root@mwaccess FMP]# perl -c k5login.pl
Global symbol "@home_dir" requires explicit package name at k5login.pl line 13.
Global symbol "$count" requires explicit package name at k5login.pl line 16.
Global symbol "$home_dir" requires explicit package name at k5login.pl line 22.
Global symbol "@home_dir" requires explicit package name at k5login.pl line 22.
Global symbol "$home_dir" requires explicit package name at k5login.pl line 24.
Global symbol "$home_dir" requires explicit package name at k5login.pl line 25.
Global symbol "$home_dir" requires explicit package name at k5login.pl line 27.
Global symbol "$count" requires explicit package name at k5login.pl line 28.
k5login.pl had compilation errors.

use Expect;
use strict;

my $user = "root";
my $host = "csadmin21";
my $timeout = 5;
my $command = 'ssh';
my $params = ("$user\@$host");

# Create an array
@home_dir = qw(appia autosys itrs network nyfix support oracle sybase);

# Set a count variable
my $count = 1;

# -- Create the Expect object
my $exp = Expect->spawn($command, $params) or die "cannot spawn ssh command \n";
$exp->expect($timeout, ["csadmin21.PROD ~#"]);

foreach $home_dir(@home_dir) {

    $exp->send("cd /opt/home/$home_dir\r");
    $exp->expect($timeout, ["csadmin21.PROD $home_dir\r#"]);
    $exp->send("mv .k5login .k5login.bak\r");
    $exp->send("mv $home_dir .k5login\r");

$exp->expect($timeout,["Connection to csadmin21 closed."]);

will appreciate much if you can point me to whats wrong with my script.

Last edited by linuxgeek; 07-27-2011 at 12:21 AM..
# 2  
Old 07-27-2011
my @home_dir =

This User Gave Thanks to yazu For This Post:
# 3  
Old 07-27-2011
Thanks yazu ... i also noticed that i need to predefine correctly all the variables before using it..

Thanks very much...
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