Problem using AWK

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# 1  
Old 07-27-2011
Problem using AWK

PHP Code:
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 

for $(variables) i will pass the parameters

every time i will skip one attribute and execute the command

example looks like this
In the first iteration authenticationserver $serviceName should be skipped

PHP Code:
add service -connectorType connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain  $domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
in the second iteration -connectorType $connectorType should be skipped and so on

PHP Code:
add service authenticationserver $serviceName -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain  $domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 

i tried by using the awk and cut

cat kalyan.txt | grep -v `awk  -F"-" '{ print $10}' /tmp/`

nothing is displayed

cat | awk  -F"-"  '{ print $10}'

# awk  -F"-" '{ print $2}' /tmp/
authenticationserver $serviceName

my assumption is to catch the attribute and negate in the above command

---------- Post updated 07-27-11 at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous update was 07-26-11 at 09:18 AM ----------

how to impliment it ... can any one give a clue

---------- Post updated at 12:49 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:48 AM ----------

can any one give a clue..

Last edited by radoulov; 07-26-2011 at 01:42 PM.. Reason: Code tags.
# 2  
Old 07-27-2011
I'm not sure I understand the requirement ...

This code:

p='authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password  -iconPath $iconPath -description $description'

awk -v p=$p 'BEGIN {
  n = split( p, t )
  for ( i = 0; ++i <= n; )  
    if ( t[i - 1] ~ /^-/ && t[i - 1] = t[i - 1] FS t[i] ) delete t[i]
  for ( i = 0; ++i <= n; ) t[i] && t[++c] = t[i]  
  print "add service", p	 
  for ( i = 0; ++i <= c; ) {
   for ( j = 0; ++j <= c; ) {
    if ( j == 1 ) printf "add service%s", FS
	if ( j == i ) continue
    if ( t[j] ) 
	  printf "%s", ( t[j] FS ) 	 
    print x	   

Produces the following output:

add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password  -iconPath $iconPath -description $description
add service -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -password $password -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -iconPath $iconPath -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -description $description 
add service authenticationserver*$serviceName -connectorType $connectorType -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -domain *$domain -authenticationType $authenticationType -connector $connector -userName $userName -password $password -iconPath $iconPath

# 3  
Old 07-27-2011
Don't quite understand the requirement. Anyway, the below code will give you an idea:
awk '
iteration==0 && / authenticationserver[*][$]serviceName/ {
	sub("authenticationserver[*][$]serviceName", "")
iteration==1 && / -connectorType [$]connectorType/ {
	sub("-connectorType [$]connectorType", "")
}' kalyan.txt

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