Parse a string as a command

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# 1  
Old 07-26-2011
Parse a string as a command

I've a problem parsing a string as a command:

Consider script as following:

txtshell="./ /ews/MyEventHandler/data/handler/StopAndMail.php eventid=StopAndMail.MVIN.6300 lot_number=1122FXB facility=EWSF3 ',' stop_oper=3000 stop_category=VISSPEC stop_step=MVIN 'message=Hold per QA (O.Tavilla)'"


The 'txtshell' is a text variable with the shell to be executed and relevant parameters (some of them included by single-quote and with white space inside

Then, the is this one:
for param
        echo "Parameter: $param"

I was expecting this output

Parameter: /ews/MyEventHandler/data/handler/StopAndMail.php
Parameter: eventid=StopAndMail.MVIN.6300
Parameter: lot_number=1122FXB
Parameter: facility=EWSF3
Parameter: ','
Parameter: stop_oper=3000
Parameter: stop_category=VISSPEC
Parameter: stop_step=MVIN
Parameter: 'message=Hold per QA (O.Tavilla)'

...while I had this...

Parameter: /ews/MyEventHandler/data/handler/StopAndMail.php
Parameter: eventid=StopAndMail.MVIN.6300
Parameter: lot_number=1122FXB
Parameter: facility=EWSF3
Parameter: ',
Parameter: stop_oper=3000
Parameter: stop_category=VISSPEC
Parameter: stop_step=MVIN
Parameter: 'message=Hold
Parameter: per
Parameter: QA
Parameter: (O.Tavilla)'

What's wrong? Can anybody help me?!?

Thanks in advance!
Milan, Italy.
# 2  
Old 07-26-2011

txtshell=`./ /ews/MyEventHandler/data/handler/StopAndMail.php \
eventid=StopAndMail.MVIN.6300 lot_number=1122FXB facility=EWSF3        \
',' stop_oper=3000  \
stop_category=VISSPEC stop_step=MVIN 'message=Hold per QA (O.Tavilla)'`

echo "$txtshell"
for param
        echo "Parameter: $param"

% ./
Parameter: /ews/MyEventHandler/data/handler/StopAndMail.php
Parameter: eventid=StopAndMail.MVIN.6300
Parameter: lot_number=1122FXB
Parameter: facility=EWSF3
Parameter: stop_oper=3000
Parameter: stop_category=VISSPEC
Parameter: stop_step=MVIN
Parameter: message=Hold per QA (O.Tavilla)

I'm afraid I have not understood your code at once. Change $txtshell to eval "$txtshell" and your script should work.

Last edited by yazu; 07-26-2011 at 08:14 AM.. Reason: Oops
# 3  
Old 07-26-2011
Much more simple than expected!

Thanks a lot yazu!
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