Fetch contents of file greater than date

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# 1  
Old 07-25-2011
Fetch contents of file greater than date

I have an input file which looks like something mentioned below:
25/07/2011 05:06:59 [10173]: test
25/07/2011 05:06:59 [10171]: test1
25/07/2011 05:08:09 [10173]: test2

I need to write a script which will take date in the format "25/07/2011 05:07:01" as input and compare it with the contents of the above mentioned file. Any line starting with the date greater than the input variable will be dumped in the output file.

So the expected output in this case is:
25/07/2011 05:08:09 [10173]: test2

# 2  
Old 07-25-2011
What have you tried so far? ...

$> read I; I=$(echo $I| awk -F"[/ :]" 'NF==6{print $3$2$1$4$5$6}'); awk -F"[/ :]" -v i=$I 'NF>1 {a=$3$2$1$4$5$6; if(i>a){print}}' infile
25/07/2011 05:07:01
25/07/2011 05:06:59 [10173]: test
25/07/2011 05:06:59 [10171]: test1

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