searching a sub-string in a string

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting searching a sub-string in a string
# 15  
Old 07-22-2011
Originally Posted by rangarasan
better use != for Numbers.

Hi thnank you so much.. I used != and it seem to be working fine. another problem was $oldversion and $oldVersion in IF loop.
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download(1)							   User Commands						       download(1)

download - host resident PostScript font downloader SYNOPSIS
download [-f] [-p printer] [-m name] [-H directory] [file...] /usr/lib/lp/postscript/download DESCRIPTION
download prepends host resident fonts to files and writes the results on the standard output. If no files are specified, or if - is one of the input files, the standard input is read. download assumes the input files make up a single PostScript job and that requested fonts can be included at the start of each input file. Requested fonts are named in a comment (marked with %%DocumentFonts:) in the input files. Available fonts are the ones listed in the map table selected using the -m option. The map table consists of fontname-file pairs. The fontname is the full name of the PostScript font, exactly as it would appear in a %%Doc- umentFonts: comment. The file is the pathname of the host resident font. A file that begins with a / is used as is. Otherwise the pathname is relative to the host font directory. Comments are introduced by % (as in PostScript) and extend to the end of the line. The only candidates for downloading are fonts listed in the map table that point download to readable files. A font is downloaded once, at most. Requests for unlisted fonts or inaccessible files are ignored. All requests are ignored if the map table can not be read. OPTIONS
-f Force a complete scan of each input file. In the absence of an explicit comment pointing download to the end of the file, the default scan stops immediately after the PostScript header comments. -p printer Check the list of printer-resident fonts in /etc/lp/printers/printer/residentfonts before downloading. -m name Use name as the font map table. A name that begins with / is the full pathname of the map table and is used as is. Other- wise name is appended to the pathname of the host font directory. -H directory Use dir as the host font directory. The default is /usr/lib/lp/postscript. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Examples of the download command. The following map table could be used to control the downloading of the Bookman font family: % % The first string is the full PostScript font name. The second string % is the file name - relative to the host font directory unless it begins % with a /. % Bookman-Light bookman/light Bookman-LightItalic bookman/lightitalic Bookman-Demi bookman/demi Bookman-DemiItalic bookman/demiitalic Using the file myprinter/map (in the default host font directory) as the map table, you could download fonts by issuing the following command: example% download -m myprinter/map file EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. non-zero An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWpsf | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
dpost(1), postdaisy(1), postdmd(1), postio(1), postmd(1), postprint(1), posttek(1), attributes(5) NOTES
The download program should be part of a more general program. download does not look for %%PageFonts: comments and there is no way to force multiple downloads of a particular font. Using full pathnames in either map tables or the names of map tables is not recommended. SunOS 5.10 9 Sep 1996 download(1)