Grep multiple instances and send email.

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# 1  
Old 07-22-2011
Grep multiple instances and send email.


Last edited by saisneha; 07-24-2011 at 04:31 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 2  
Old 07-22-2011


you can try to grep with reg exp, like

#your command # | grep -c ^AppInstance

This will grep all the app instances in that status variable and then one by one you can check the status of them in the if loop.
# 3  
Old 07-22-2011

Last edited by saisneha; 07-24-2011 at 04:31 PM..
# 4  
Old 07-23-2011

I think you want the status of instances of all/different applications... so you can take an array which stores the name of different applns whose instance's status you want to check and for each application you can run that command i mentioned earlier... it will be something like this...

application={"app1","app2"} #array with app names
#start of for loop
          #if statement with condition to check status
                       #in if condn grep will be like this ->  | grep ^${application[i]}  i.e. i th element of appln

          #end of if
#end of for

Kindly bear with the syntax... please refer to man for correct one... Smilie

Originally Posted by saisneha
Can you please give me a example to use the loop,. I am very new to this.

I would like to grep app1, app2, xxx, yyy, 3333 etc and give the status if they are in the stop status.

Thank you,

---------- Post updated at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:09 AM ----------


Can anyone help please. This code does not work for me. I neither get email not get any error.

AppInstance=(abc, def, ghi, jkl, mno, opr etc )
for i in "${AppInstance[@]}"
AppInstance_status='ps -ef | grep {AppInstance[i]}'
if [ -z "$AppInstance_status" ];
echo "App Instances are not running . $(hostname) as on $(date)"
> ~\AppInstance_status.txt
cat ~\AppInstance_status.txt | mail -s "Alert: AppInstance status check on Production " email_address

I have the complete list of grep commands in the txt file which should run and give the output.

Thanks in advance.

# 5  
Old 07-23-2011
Please use code tags when posting code and/or in/output. It makes it much easier to read.

Try this:

logFile=~/AppInstance_status.txt #store in a variable; easier to maintain
AppInstance=(abc def ghi jkl mno opr )  #make an array
for i in "${AppInstance[@]}" ; do  #loop through the arrray
   AppInstance_status=`ps -ef | grep $i | grep -v grep`  #backticks, not single quotes; 
   if [ -z "$AppInstance_status" ] ;  then
     echo "App Instance $i is not running . $(hostname) as on $(date)"  >> $logFile  #append with >>

cat $logFile | mail -s "Alert: AppInstance status check on Production " email_address

When you do
ps | grep string

, you have to get rid of the grep process itself, otherwise you will always get at least one line. That's what 'grep -v grep' does.
Backticks return the output of the command, big difference than single quotes, which give you the literal content of what's inside the quotes.
'>>' will append to whereas '>' will overwrite the file
UNIX based systems use forward slash as path delimiter, not backslash: ~/myfile.txt

Last edited by mirni; 07-23-2011 at 02:15 PM.. Reason: fixed commas
# 6  
Old 07-23-2011

Last edited by saisneha; 07-24-2011 at 04:32 PM..
# 7  
Old 07-23-2011

may be you can check with the logfile path... please specify the full path to logfile variable in the beginning and then run... i think it should run... Smilie

Originally Posted by saisneha

Thank you all your help.

At last my code works to some extent and could not read the txt file. Here is the error.

cat: cannot open /home/xxx/AppInstance_status.txt
Null message body; hope that's ok
Here is the script I executed.



#store in a variable; easier to maintain


for i in "${AppInstance[@]}" ;
AppInstance_status=`ps -ef | grep $i | grep -v grep`

if [ -z "$AppInstance_status" ] ;
echo "App Instance $i is not running . $(hostname) as on $(date)" >> $logFile

cat $logFile | mail -s "Alert: AppInstance status check on Production "

The AppInstance_status.txt file is under the home directory at the same location where I run the scripts.

example: /home/xxx/scripts/AppInstance_status.txt

but it is trying to read from /home/xxx/AppInstance_status.txt. Do I need to change any where the location of the file? What I want it to do is to look for that txt file and run all 40 instances from the file and give the results if any of the instance is down.

It is too complicated but I badly need help in this script.

Please help and again thanks in advance.


---------- Post updated at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:35 AM ----------

I got the txt file moved to one upper level and my code started working but have a question to rectify it.

I want the txt file to display only the instances that are under stop status and not all the instances. Right now, it displays whatever in the txt without executing the command.

Can anyone help please.
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