Grep multiple instances and send email.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Grep multiple instances and send email.
# 15  
Old 07-24-2011
Please remove personal info


Thank you for your great help. Can you please remove all the info which is my personal from the thread since I do not want anyone to look at this and it has my personal information.

Thank you again for everything.

# 16  
Old 07-24-2011
Glad it worked.
I removed your email, which was the only sensitive info. But why did you remove all your posts?

I do not want anyone to look at this
The idea behind the forum is that others may benefit, when they encounter similar problems and come across a post (most people come across a post like this from a search engine, when they try to solve their issues.) Now the thread doesn't make much sense, since the original problem statement is missing. There was nothing personal or confidential in the thread, apart from your email address, which even that I didn't consider confidential, since you posted it (and many members make their email address available).
Open-source and sharing is the means of fastest advancement. That's what unix community is about. I committed quite some time to solving your issues with the hope that you will learn, and perhaps, teach others later on. I kindly ask you to commit a few moments to reviewing your concepts of sharing. Thanks.

Last edited by mirni; 07-24-2011 at 08:29 PM..
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