Stripping characters from a file and reformatting according to another one

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# 1  
Old 07-21-2011
Stripping characters from a file and reformatting according to another one

Dear experts,
my problem is pretty tricky.
I want to change a file (see attached input.txt), according to another file (help.txt). The output that is desired is in output.txt. The example is attached.
Note that
-dashes should not be treated specially, they are considered normal characters, too.
-whatever is stripped from the first entry of the input.txt according to the help.txt should be stripped at the identical position in the second entry. (entries are separated by >)
I will really appreciate any help!
# 2  
Old 07-21-2011
You will have a better response if you display a small sample in the post.

Some people do not or will not take the time to download your file and unzip it.
# 3  
Old 07-21-2011
ok, you are right.
The files are as these:


structureX:baDHFR: 1: A:999 : B::::

sequence:hvDHFR: 1: A: 999: B: :::


structureX:1I2M: 1 :A:+553 :B:::-1.00:-1.00


structureX:baDHFR: 1: A:999 : B::::

sequence:hvDHFR: 1: A: 999: B: :::

---------- Post updated at 12:13 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:07 PM ----------

note that in the input file,

each are in one line with no spaces, pasting at the forum did the misformating. I fixed by editing it.

Last edited by TheTransporter; 07-21-2011 at 03:27 PM.. Reason: formating
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