Recursive looping through files and directories

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# 1  
Old 07-21-2011
Recursive looping through files and directories

i need a script which will go to all directories and subdirectories and print the filenames as follow;
here i m printing only files listing in current directory
reason i m doing this is coz i want to perform some operations according to filename achieved so cant use find command;
for f in *
  echo "$filename"


Last edited by Franklin52; 07-21-2011 at 06:49 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 2  
Old 07-21-2011
find LOG_DIR -type f

# 3  
Old 07-21-2011
i need this variable somewhere;


so that i will directly perform an action on it/commands on it
so find wont do much.
# 4  
Old 07-21-2011
find LOG_DIR -type f | while read filename; do echo $filename; done

# 5  
Old 07-21-2011
thnks u so much..Smilie
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