ping and telnet timeout

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Old 07-20-2011
ping and telnet timeout

I need help, I have the following which save in the result file ping and telnet:port test.

Basically the script works but I should implement a check on ping and telnet command so that ping has 5 seconds threshold and telnet (more important) 10 seconds. Over that threshold ping and telnet should be interrupted giving a negative answer. Can someone help me?

thank you

echo "++++START++++" >> result
if ping ${DNS} | grep -w "alive"
  echo "DNS * Test ping DNS:" " >> result; echo ${DNS} " is OK" >> result
  echo "DNS * Test ping DNS:" >> result; echo ${DNS} " is DOWN " >> result
echo "++++END++++" >> result
echo >> result
echo "++++START++++" >> result
echo "SMTP Test:" >> result; echo "b" | telnet -e "b" ${SMTPSE
RVER} ${SMTP} && echo ${SMTPSERVER}:${SMTP} " is OK" >> result
echo "++++END++++" >> result
echo >> result
echo "++++START++++" >> result
echo "POP Test:" >> result; echo "b" | telnet -e "b" ${POPSERV
ER} ${POP} && echo  ${POPSERVER}:${POP}" is OK" >> result
echo "++++END++++" >> result

Last edited by pludi; 07-20-2011 at 11:54 AM..
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