for each different entry in column 1 extract maximum values from column 2 in unix/awk

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# 1  
Old 07-19-2011
for each different entry in column 1 extract maximum values from column 2 in unix/awk


I have 2 columns (1st column has multiple entries but the corresponding values in the column 2 may be the same or different.) however I want to extract unique values for each entry in column 1 by assigning the max value from column 2

SDF4     -0.211654
        SDF4     0.978068
        SDF4     -0.211654
        SDF4     -0.211654
        FAM132A  -0.210704
        FAM132A  -0.210704
        FAM132A  -0.210704
        UBE2J2   -0.238536
        UBE2J2   1.9916
        UBE2J2   0.190829
        UBE2J2   -0.234892
        UBE2J2   -0.234892
        UBE2J2   0.190829
        UBE2J2   0.190829

SDF4     0.978068
FAM132A  -0.210704
UBE2J2   1.9916

# 2  
Old 07-19-2011
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