search for matching value between lists

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# 1  
Old 07-18-2011
search for matching value between lists

Hello. I have two very large files, file1 and file2. File1 has two columns of paired numbers eg.
2 5
9 17
47 700
File1 has one column of numbers eg.

I would like to search in file2 for numbers that are greater than or equal to the values from column1 of file1 but less then or equal to values from column2 of file1 and then print out matching numbers from both files. I am trying to use awk to do this but am having problems. Any suggestions?
# 2  
Old 07-18-2011
What is the desired output for your sample input?
# 3  
Old 07-18-2011
The desired output from the example would be
2 5 5
47 700 76
The first two columns would be from file1 and the last column from file2
# 4  
Old 07-18-2011
awk 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$1;next}a[FNR]>=$1&&a[FNR]<=$2{print $0" "a[FNR]}' file2 file1

# 5  
Old 07-18-2011
The following code will work:
while read mNbr; do
  while read mFrom mTo; do
    if [[ ${mNbr} -ge ${mFrom} && ${mNbr} -le ${mTo} ]]; then
      echo "${mNbr} ${mFrom} ${mTo}"
  done < Target_Numbers
done< Source_Numbers

Here is an example:

2 5
9 17
47 700

2 2 5
5 2 5
76 47 700

# 6  
Old 07-18-2011
Thanks. When I use this program I get this message on every line.

")syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "
my files have large numbers like 6280051. Could this be a problem? Also should I reverse which is target file and which is source file?

---------- Post updated at 05:51 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:37 PM ----------

Thanks but I don't get anything to stndout. Also I am using large numbers with up to 7 digits eg 6500431. Could this be a problem?
# 7  
Old 07-18-2011
A signed 32-bit integer type (a conservative common denominator for a long while now) can represent an integer ranging from approximately 2 billion to negative 2 billion. 7 million-ish is not a problem.
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