question on blackslashes and slashes in directories

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting question on blackslashes and slashes in directories
# 1  
Old 07-15-2011
Hammer & Screwdriver question on blackslashes and slashes in directories

Since I'm usually on windows I've came across different shells like Cygwin, Hamilton, and MKS. I've been working in csh most of the time, so porting scripts from one shell to another can be fairly annoying and confusing.

When specifying a directory I noticed that certain shells do not recognize either '/' or '\' in a directory. Sometimes because one of those is some sort of feature. ex. drive:/folder/ vs drive:\folder\
Is there a way to have both '/' and '\' recognized in a directory, or is this something that is more specific to the shell used and not something I can configure on my own????

Thank you!
# 2  
Old 07-15-2011
There is no shell path standard for Windows. Even CMD has (spotty) support for both.
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