Move file older date

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# 1  
Old 07-15-2011
Move file older date

hlow all
i have folder with name like this

so i want move the last 1 day to other directory for example this date 20110602 so i want move folder older 1 day from this date
20110512 -----> this folder will move to other dir
20110601-----> this folder will move to other dir
20110602--->this still here cause is current now

what shoud i do for this caseSmilie
# 2  
Old 07-15-2011
Originally Posted by zvtral
hlow all
i have folder with name like this

so i want move the last 1 day to other directory for example this date 20110602 so i want move folder older 1 day from this date
20110512 -----> this folder will move to other dir
20110601-----> this folder will move to other dir
20110602--->this still here cause is current now

what shoud i do for this caseSmilie
What you need to move..? If its files then post few sample file-names to get an idea how your file looks like. If not please detail your objective.
# 3  
Old 07-15-2011
you can try something like below

prevdate=`date -d '1 day ago' +%Y%m%d`;

find <search_path> -name $prevdate -type d ! -newermt `date +%Y%m%d` -exec mv -f '{}' <destination_dir> \;

Last edited by Amaravathi; 07-15-2011 at 11:10 AM..
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