Help with re-organization data

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# 1  
Old 07-14-2011
Help with re-organization data

Input file
DATA2.2 POSITION_152486.2     COLUMN689699.2
DATA2.2 ROW00000342066 UNIT00000342313
DATA7.2 POSITION_017891.4     COLUMN060361.4
DATA7.2 ROW00000379319 UNIT00000368623
DATA7.2 ROW00000421241 UNIT00000400736
DATA8.1 POSITION_153254.2     COLUMN694986.2
DATA8.1 ROW00000379288 UNIT00000368590
DATA8.1 POSITION_148901.1     COLUMN683699.1
DATA8.1 POSITION_148901.1     COLUMN683699.1
DATA9.1 ROW00000328596 UNIT00000328207

Desired output file:
DATA2.2 POSITION_152486.2     COLUMN689699.2	ROW00000342066 UNIT00000342313
DATA7.2 POSITION_017891.4     COLUMN060361.4	ROW00000379319 UNIT00000368623	ROW00000421241 UNIT00000400736
DATA8.1 POSITION_153254.2     COLUMN694986.2	ROW00000379288 UNIT00000368590	POSITION_148901.1     COLUMN683699.1	POSITION_148901.1     COLUMN683699.1
DATA9.1 ROW00000328596 UNIT00000328207

I have long list of input file and would like to merge those share the content in column 1 become one line instead of multiple lines.
Any command is appreciate.
Many thanks.
# 2  
Old 07-14-2011
awk '{if(a==$1){$1="";printf FS $0}else{a=$1;printf "\n%sFS",$0}}' filename

awk 'a==$1{$1="";printf FS $0;next} {a=$1;printf NR==1?"%sFS":"\n%sFS",$0} END {printf "\n"}' filename

Last edited by pravin27; 07-14-2011 at 06:36 AM..
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